@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+package com.datacomsolusindo.cpx_processor
+import com.datacomsolusindo.cpx_shared_code.entity.Area
+import com.datacomsolusindo.cpx_shared_code.entity.Hlr
+import com.datacomsolusindo.cpx_shared_code.entity.Holiday
+import com.datacomsolusindo.cpx_shared_code.entity.Rate
+import com.datacomsolusindo.cpx_shared_code.service.ApiService
+import com.datacomsolusindo.cpx_shared_code.utility.EnumData
+import com.datacomsolusindo.cpx_shared_code.utility.SimpleLogger
+import com.datacomsolusindo.cpx_shared_code.utility.Util
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.readValue
+import io.github.semutkecil.simplecriteria.FilterData
+import jakarta.transaction.Transactional
+import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired
+import org.springframework.stereotype.Service
+import java.time.DayOfWeek
+import java.time.LocalDateTime
+import java.time.LocalTime
+import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
+import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
+import kotlin.math.*
+import kotlin.time.measureTimedValue
+class CalculateCost2Service {
+ @Autowired
+ lateinit var apiService: ApiService
+ private val logger = SimpleLogger.getLogger(this::class.java)
+ fun calculateCost(
+ callTo: CallTo,
+ callFrom: CallFrom,
+ zone: String,
+ startOfCall: LocalDateTime,
+ duration: Long,
+ logger: SimpleLogger
+ ): Double {
+ logger.info("----------------Calculate Cost-----------------")
+ logger.info("From: ${Util.mapper.writeValueAsString(callFrom)}")
+ logger.info("To: ${Util.mapper.writeValueAsString(callTo)}")
+ val distance = calculateDistance(callFrom.latitude, callFrom.longitude, callTo.latitude, callTo.longitude)
+ logger.info("Start: ${startOfCall.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))}")
+ logger.info(
+ "End: ${
+ startOfCall.plusSeconds(duration).format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))
+ }"
+ )
+ logger.info("Duration: $duration Seconds")
+ logger.info("Distance: $distance km")
+ logger.info("Zone: $zone")
+ val spl = splitRate(startOfCall, duration).map {
+ val endTime = it.startCall.plusSeconds(it.duration).toLocalTime()
+ val startTime = it.startCall.toLocalTime()
+ val (dayCode, measureHoliday) = measureTimedValue { getDayCode(it.startCall, callTo.holidayPage) }
+ logger.info("Populate Holiday data ${measureHoliday.inWholeMilliseconds}ms")
+ logger.info("Day Code: $dayCode")
+ val rateTime = getRate(
+ dayCode,
+ callFrom.providerCode,
+ callTo.providerCode,
+ zone,
+ callFrom.ratePageName,
+ logger
+ )?.let { t ->
+ logger.info("Rate Id: ${t["rateId"]}")
+ Util.mapper.readValue<Map<Long, Map<LocalTime, List<Map<String, Any>>>>>(t["tarif"] as String)
+ }?.entries
+ ?.sortedBy { t -> t.key }
+ ?.lastOrNull { t -> t.key <= distance }
+ ?.value
+ ?.entries
+ ?.sortedBy { t -> t.key }
+ ?.associate { t -> t.key to t.value }
+ ?.filter { t ->
+ if (endTime.hour + endTime.minute + endTime.second == 0) {
+ true
+ } else {
+ t.key.isBefore(endTime)
+ }
+ }
+ val start = rateTime?.entries?.lastOrNull { t ->
+ !t.key.isAfter(startTime)
+ }?.key
+ val rateTimeUsed = if (start != null) {
+ rateTime.filter { t ->
+ !t.key.isBefore(start)
+ }
+ } else {
+ rateTime
+ }
+ val rateTimeToList = rateTimeUsed?.entries?.toList()
+ val rateEachTimeBand = rateTimeToList?.mapIndexed { i, t ->
+ logger.info("\tTimeBand: ${t.key}")
+ val mapValue: MutableMap<String, Any> = when (i) {
+ 0 -> {
+ val dUnit = if (rateTimeToList.size == 1) {
+ it.duration
+ } else {
+ startTime.until(rateTimeToList[1].key, ChronoUnit.SECONDS)
+ }
+ mutableMapOf(
+ "time" to t.key,
+ "start" to startTime,
+ "duration" to dUnit,
+ "end" to startTime.plusSeconds(dUnit),
+ )
+ }
+ rateTimeToList.size - 1 -> {
+ val dt = abs(endTime.until(t.key, ChronoUnit.SECONDS))
+ mutableMapOf(
+ "time" to t.key,
+ "start" to t.key,
+ "duration" to dt,
+ "end" to t.key.plusSeconds(dt),
+ )
+ }
+ else -> {
+ val dt = abs(t.key.until(rateTimeToList[i + 1].key, ChronoUnit.SECONDS))
+ mutableMapOf(
+ "time" to t.key,
+ "start" to t.key,
+ "duration" to dt,
+ "end" to t.key.plusSeconds(dt),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ val valueCost = countRepetitionCost(mapValue["duration"] as Long, t.value, logger)
+ mapValue["value"] = valueCost
+ mapValue
+ }
+ rateEachTimeBand
+ }
+ val totalCost = spl.mapNotNull {
+ it?.sumOf { tb ->
+ val rep = tb["value"] as List<Map<String, Any>>
+ rep.sumOf { re -> re["cost"] as Double }
+ }
+ }.sum()
+ logger.info("Total Cost: $totalCost")
+ logger.info("--------------End Calculate Cost---------------")
+ return totalCost
+ }
+ private fun countRepetitionCost(
+ duration: Long,
+ repetitionList: List<Map<String, Any>>,
+ logger: SimpleLogger
+ ): List<MutableMap<String, Any>> {
+ var durCount = duration
+ return repetitionList.sortedBy { it["rep_number"] as Int }.mapIndexedNotNull {i,it->
+// logger.info("repetition count ${repetitionList.size} data $it")
+ if (durCount > 0) {
+ val valueMap = it.toMutableMap()
+ val pulse = (it["pulse"] as Int).toLong()
+ val maxPulse = ((it["rep_time"] as Int) * (it["pulse"] as Int)).toLong()
+ val pulseCount = if ((it["rep_time"] as Int) == 0) {
+// logger.info("repetition time is 0")
+ val usedPulse = durCount / pulse + (if (durCount % pulse == 0L) 0 else 1)
+ durCount = 0
+ usedPulse
+ } else {
+ val pulseData = durCount / pulse + (if (durCount % pulse == 0L) 0 else 1)
+// logger.info("pulse data $pulseData - pulse max $maxPulse")
+ if (pulseData <= (it["rep_time"] as Int).toLong()) {
+ durCount = 0
+ pulseData
+ } else {
+ durCount -= maxPulse
+ (it["rep_time"] as Int).toLong()
+ }
+ }
+ valueMap["pulse_used"] = pulseCount
+ valueMap["duration_used"] = pulseCount * (it["pulse"] as Int).toLong()
+ valueMap["cost"] = pulseCount.toDouble() * it["rate_value"].toString().toDouble()
+ logger.info("\t\tRepetition_$i: $valueMap")
+ valueMap
+ } else {
+ null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun splitRate(startOfCall: LocalDateTime, duration: Long): MutableList<TimeRate> {
+ val endOfCall = startOfCall.plusSeconds(duration)
+ var startDate = startOfCall
+ var dur = 0L
+ val listTimeRate = mutableListOf<TimeRate>()
+ while (startDate != endOfCall) {
+ var nextEnd = LocalDateTime.of(startDate.plusDays(1).toLocalDate(), LocalTime.of(0, 0, 0))
+ if (nextEnd.isAfter(endOfCall)) {
+ nextEnd = endOfCall
+ }
+ val todayDuration = ChronoUnit.SECONDS.between(startDate, nextEnd)
+ dur += todayDuration
+ listTimeRate.add(TimeRate(startDate, todayDuration))
+ startDate = nextEnd
+ }
+ if (listTimeRate.size > 1 && listTimeRate.sumOf { it.duration } != duration) {
+ listTimeRate[listTimeRate.size - 1].duration += 1
+ }
+ return listTimeRate
+ }
+ fun getCallTo(number: String, logger: SimpleLogger): CallTo? {
+ val (hlr, measureHlr) = measureTimedValue {
+ apiService.findListPage(
+ Hlr::class.java,
+ listOf("id", "prefix", "provider.code", "area", "domain", "zone.code", "holiday"),
+ FilterData.filter("prefix", FilterData.FILTEROP.LIKEREVSTART, number),
+ size = null
+ ).maxByOrNull { it["prefix"].toString().length }
+ }
+ logger.info("populate hlr data ${measureHlr.inWholeMilliseconds}ms")
+ if (!hlr.isNullOrEmpty() && hlr["provider.code"] != null) {
+ val (areaTo, measureArea) = measureTimedValue {
+ apiService.findListPage(
+ Area::class.java,
+ listOf("longitude", "latitude", "uid"),
+ FilterData.filter("code", FilterData.FILTEROP.EQ, hlr["area"] as String),
+ size = 1
+ ).firstOrNull()
+ }
+ if (areaTo != null) {
+ return CallTo(
+ areaCode = hlr["area"] as String,
+ areaUid = areaTo["uid"] as String,
+ latitude = areaTo["latitude"] as Double,
+ longitude = areaTo["longitude"] as Double,
+ domain = hlr["domain"] as String,
+ providerCode = hlr["provider.code"] as String,
+ holidayPage = hlr["holiday"] as Int?,
+ zone = hlr["zone.code"] as String?,
+ number = number
+ )
+ } else {
+ logger.info("unidentified area from $hlr")
+ return null
+ }
+ } else {
+ logger.info("unidentified call to $hlr")
+ return null
+ }
+ }
+ fun getCallFrom(
+ phoneUser: Map<String, Any?>?,
+ ext: String?,
+ pin: String?,
+ isCallerToZoneExist: Boolean,
+ trunk: Map<String, Any?>?,
+ pbx: Map<String, Any?>?,
+ logger: SimpleLogger
+ ): CallFrom? {
+ val dataMap = if (trunk != null && trunk["provider.code"] != null && trunk["area.code"] != null) {
+ trunk
+ } else {
+ pbx
+ }
+ if (dataMap != null && dataMap["area.code"] != null && dataMap["provider.code"] != null) {
+ var phoneType = EnumData.PhoneType.UNDEFINED
+ val domain = if (isCallerToZoneExist) {
+ "-"
+ } else {
+ val (hlrDomain, measureDomainFrom) = measureTimedValue {
+ apiService.findListPage(
+ Hlr::class.java,
+ listOf("domain", "provider.code", "phoneType"),
+ FilterData.filter("area", FilterData.FILTEROP.EQ, dataMap["area.code"] as String),
+ size = null
+ )
+ }//
+ logger.info("populate domain from data ${measureDomainFrom.inWholeMilliseconds}ms")
+ val hlr = if (hlrDomain.isEmpty()) {
+ null
+ } else
+ if (hlrDomain.any { it["provider.code"] == dataMap["provider.code"] as String }) {
+ hlrDomain.first { it["provider.code"] == dataMap["provider.code"] as String }
+ } else {
+ hlrDomain.first()
+ }
+ if (hlr == null) {
+ logger.info("domain not found from area ${dataMap["area.code"]} and ${dataMap["provider.code"]}")
+ return null;
+ }
+ phoneType = hlr["phoneType"] as EnumData.PhoneType
+ hlr["domain"].toString()
+ }
+ val ratePage: String? = if (phoneUser != null) { //search phone user for rate page
+ phoneUser["phoneUser.ratePage.name"] as String?
+ } else {
+ null
+ }
+ return CallFrom(
+ areaCode = dataMap["area.code"] as String,
+ latitude = dataMap["area.latitude"] as Double,
+ longitude = dataMap["area.longitude"] as Double,
+ providerCode = dataMap["provider.code"] as String,
+ domain = domain,
+ ratePageName = ratePage,
+ ext = ext,
+ pin = pin,
+ phoneUserUid = phoneUser?.get("phoneUser.uid") as String?,
+ phoneType = phoneType
+ )
+ } else {
+ logger.info("unidentified call from $dataMap")
+ return null
+ }
+ }
+ private fun getDayCode(startOfCall: LocalDateTime, holidayPage: Int?): Int {
+ val isHoliday = apiService.findListAll(
+ Holiday::class.java,
+ listOf("holiday", "page"),
+ FilterData.and(
+ FilterData.filter("holiday", FilterData.FILTEROP.GED, "${LocalDateTime.now().year}-01-01"),
+ FilterData.filter("holiday", FilterData.FILTEROP.LED, "${LocalDateTime.now().year}-12-31")
+ )
+ ).firstOrNull {
+ if (holidayPage != null) {
+ (it["holiday"] as LocalDateTime).toLocalDate() == startOfCall.toLocalDate() && (it["page"] as Int?) == holidayPage
+ } else {
+ (it["holiday"] as LocalDateTime).toLocalDate() == startOfCall.toLocalDate()
+ }
+ } != null
+ return if (!isHoliday) {
+ when (startOfCall.dayOfWeek!!) {
+ DayOfWeek.MONDAY -> 2
+ DayOfWeek.TUESDAY -> 3
+ DayOfWeek.WEDNESDAY -> 4
+ DayOfWeek.THURSDAY -> 5
+ DayOfWeek.FRIDAY -> 6
+ DayOfWeek.SATURDAY -> 7
+ DayOfWeek.SUNDAY -> 1
+ }
+ } else {
+ 8
+ }
+ }
+ @Transactional
+ private fun getRate(
+ dayCode: Int,
+ providerFrom: String,
+ providerTo: String,
+ zone: String,
+ ratePageName: String?,
+ logger: SimpleLogger
+ ): Map<String, Any?>? {
+ val (rateList, measureRate) = measureTimedValue {
+ apiService.findListAll(
+ Rate::class.java, listOf("id", "zone.code", "tarif", "ratePage.name", "dayCode"), FilterData.and(
+ FilterData.filter(
+ "providerFrom.code", FilterData.FILTEROP.EQ, providerFrom
+ ),
+ FilterData.or(
+ FilterData.filter(
+ "providerTo.code", FilterData.FILTEROP.EQ, providerTo
+ ),
+ FilterData.filter(
+ "providerTo.code", FilterData.FILTEROP.ISNULL, ""
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ).filter { (it["dayCode"] as String).contains(dayCode.toString()) && zone == (it["zone.code"] as String) }
+ }
+ logger.info("Populate Rate data ${measureRate.inWholeMilliseconds}ms")
+ val byProvider = if (rateList.any { it["providerTo.code"] != null }) {
+ rateList.filter { it["providerTo.code"] != null }
+ } else {
+ rateList
+ }
+ val rate = if (ratePageName != null && byProvider.any { it["ratePage.name"] == ratePageName }) {
+ byProvider.firstOrNull { it["ratePage.name"] == ratePageName }
+ } else {
+ byProvider.firstOrNull()
+ }
+ return if (rate == null) {
+ null
+ } else {
+ mapOf(
+ "rateId" to rate["id"],
+ "tarif" to rate["tarif"] as String
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ val EARTH_RADIUS: Double = 6371.0
+ private fun haversine(`val`: Double): Double {
+ return sin(`val` / 2).pow(2.0)
+ }
+ private fun calculateDistance(startLat: Double, startLong: Double, endLat: Double, endLong: Double): Double {
+ val dLat = Math.toRadians(endLat - startLat)
+ val dLong = Math.toRadians(endLong - startLong)
+ val startLatRad = Math.toRadians(startLat)
+ val endLatRad = Math.toRadians(endLat)
+ val a: Double = haversine(dLat) + cos(startLatRad) * cos(endLatRad) * haversine(dLong)
+ val c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a))
+ return EARTH_RADIUS * c
+ }