123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321 |
- {
- "account": "Account",
- "addNote": "Add note",
- "addNoteCancel": "Add cancel note",
- "all": "All",
- "anyNote": "Note for service staff",
- "appointment": "Appointment",
- "attach": "Attach image",
- "buttonCancel": "Cancel Request",
- "buttonLogin": "Login",
- "buttonNo": "NO",
- "buttonResubmit": "RESEND",
- "buttonScan": "Scan QR",
- "buttonSendEmergency": "SEND EMERGENCY",
- "buttonSendComplaint": "SEND COMPLAINT",
- "buttonSendRequest": "Send Request",
- "buttonYes": "YES",
- "buttonSure": "OF COURSE",
- "buttonBack": "Back",
- "canceledBy": "Canceled by",
- "category": "Category",
- "scope": "Scope",
- "changeScope": "Change Scope",
- "chatClosed": "This conversation has been closed.",
- "chooseService": "Select service you want",
- "complaintText": "What's going on? Let's the expert work for you.",
- "complaint": "Complaint",
- "defaultLocation": "Default Location",
- "detail": "Detail",
- "disatisfied": "Disatisfied",
- "emergencyText": "Every thing urgent & emergent should take in hurry.",
- "emergency": "Emergency",
- "forum": "Forum",
- "frequentlyText": "What you frequently requested here.",
- "frequently": "Frequently requested",
- "frequentlyTitle": "Frequently Requested",
- "frequentlyTitleText": "The list that you frequently requested",
- "history": "History",
- "lessSatisfied": "Not too satisfied",
- "location": "Location",
- "logout": "Logout",
- "menuAccount": "Account",
- "menuHistory": "History",
- "menuService": "Service",
- "menuHome": "Home",
- "message": "Message",
- "note": "Note",
- "passwordEmpty": "Password could not be empty",
- "password": "Password",
- "phoneNumber": "Phone Number",
- "placeholderLocation": "Where are you?",
- "placeholderNote": "Type note",
- "rateMission": "Rate this mission",
- "reallyPleased": "Really pleased",
- "requestText2": "What are you asking for?",
- "requestDesc": "When you need help, just tap it.",
- "requestTitle": "What kind of help do you need?",
- "request": "Request",
- "satisfactionAsk": "Are you satisfied?",
- "satisfied": "Quite satisfied",
- "scanQr": "Please scan QR code first to start using application.",
- "serialNumber": "Serial Number",
- "servantGroup": "Request Group",
- "servant": "Service Staff",
- "service": "Service",
- "specifyAnotherLocation": "I want to specify another location",
- "specifyLocation": "Define location",
- "startDoing": "Start",
- "stateCancel": "Cancel",
- "stateCanceled": "Canceled",
- "stateDone": "On Process",
- "stateFinish": "Finish",
- "stateQueue": "Queue",
- "stateRequested": "Requested",
- "state": "Status",
- "sure": "Are you sure?",
- "switch": "Switch",
- "system": "System",
- "textCancel": "Cancel",
- "textHistory": "Request you have made",
- "textLogout": "Logging out will cause you can't receive notification, made any request, etc. Sure?",
- "textResubmit": "You will resend this request to the service staff.",
- "ticketNumber": "Ticket Number",
- "timeline": "Timeline",
- "today": "Today",
- "unrated": "No rating for this mission yet",
- "userEmpty": "Username could not be empty",
- "userId": "Username",
- "version": "Version ",
- "verySatisfied": "Satisfied",
- "whatComplain": "What complaint?",
- "whatHappen": "What's going on?",
- "whatNext": "Stay calm. What next?",
- "whatProblem": "What's in trouble?",
- "writeMessage": "Write message",
- "yesterday": "Yesterday",
- "language": "Language",
- "bahasa": "Bahasa Indonesia",
- "english": "English",
- "japanese": "日本語",
- "korean": "한국어",
- "chinese": "中国語",
- "chooseLanguage": "Select Language",
- "rate": "Rate",
- "rated": "This mission have been rated.",
- "rateText": "You're [satisfaction] for this mission.",
- "settingPassword": "Change Password",
- "oldPassword": "Old password",
- "newPassword": "New password",
- "confirmPassword": "Confirm new password",
- "buttonSave": "Save New Password",
- "settingPasswordText": "Manage your password",
- "autoResponseText": "Your request will be responded by system soon.",
- "reply": "Reply",
- "selectPicture": "Select Picture",
- "fromGallery": "From Gallery",
- "fromCamera": "From Camera",
- "sendPicture": "Send Picture",
- "seeAttachment": "See Attachment",
- "confirmCancel": "Are you sure want to cancel?",
- "selectDate": "Select date",
- "lengthMax": "Maximum length allowed 128 characters.",
- "locRequired": "Location is required.",
- "idRequired": "ID is required.",
- "dateRequired": "Date is required.",
- "sendLater": "Send Later",
- "thank": "Thankyou",
- "pleaseWait": "Please wait",
- "sendSuccess": "Successfully Sent",
- "followUp": "the service staff will response soon.",
- "okGot": "OK, GOT IT",
- "okWait": "OK, SURE",
- "errorConnection": "Connection error. Please try again in few minutes.",
- "noInternet": "No internet access.",
- "invalidLogin": "Username or Password is wrong.",
- "invalidPhone": "Phone Number is not valid.",
- "expAccount": "Account is expired.",
- "errorServer": "Server error. Please try again in few minutes.",
- "accessDenied": "Access Denied",
- "licenseProblem": "Could not run application due problem in the license.",
- "invalidVersion": "Version does not match",
- "sugestVersion": "Use application version",
- "currentVersion": "Current version is",
- "contactAdmin": "Please contact administrator for further information.",
- "pressAgain": "Press again to quit.",
- "notFound": "Data not found.",
- "notFound2": "What you try to find out is not here!",
- "noInternetTitle": "No internet connection.",
- "noInternetDesc": "Please check your internet connection. Even we couldn't ask to Google right now.",
- "errorConnectTitle": "Could not connect to server.",
- "errorConnectDesc": "Please contact administrator, you should be able to connect to server.",
- "errorServerTitle": "Server Error.",
- "errorServerDesc": "Don't freak out, we are trying to put everything still on the track.",
- "invalidAccountTitle": "Invalid Account.",
- "invalidAccountDesc": "Sorry! We couldn't verify your account. Please contact Administrator for further information.",
- "expAccountTitle": "Expired Account.",
- "expAccountDesc": "Your account is expired. Or you can contact Administrator if you think it is a mistake.",
- "inProcess": "Processing",
- "policy": "Privacy Policy",
- "info": "Additional Info",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
- "messageCamPermission": "Access denied. Please allow TelMessenger to access camera through app permission setting.",
- "messageInvalidCode": "Invalid code. Please contact system administrator.",
- "messagePassChanged": "Successfully change password.",
- "wrongOldPass": "Wrong old password.",
- "checkNewPass": "Please check your new password.",
- "cannotEmpty": "Data could not empty.",
- "deletedMessage": "This message was deleted.",
- "resend": "Resend",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "alreadyUsePass": "New password could not be used, define another one.",
- "notFoundImg": "Image not found",
- "notFoundWorktime": "Worktime did not found. Please contact Administrator.",
- "seeAll": "See All",
- "quickAction": "Quick actions",
- "quickDesc": "Help you move more efficiently.",
- "times": " times",
- "search": "Search",
- "searchAsk": "Search...",
- "helpHint": "Try to find some help..",
- "inProgress": " request(s) still in progress.",
- "currentActiveText": "Your currently active request",
- "photo": "Photo",
- "selectRecipient": "Select recipient",
- "composeMessage": "Compose message",
- "to": "To",
- "addAttachment": "Add attachment",
- "editAttachment": "Change attachment",
- "unsupportedFile": "Unsupported file format",
- "pdfFile": "PDF file type",
- "other": "other",
- "noMessageText": "No message to preview.",
- "noDataText": "No preview data available.",
- "noPIDText": "No access code found.",
- "noPIDText2": "Get access code from scan QR or link provided by TelMessenger license holder.",
- "loading": "Loading...",
- "backToLogin": "Back to login",
- "deleteHistory": "Delete History Data",
- "deleteHistoryConfirm": "Are you sure want to delete the data?",
- "couldnotDelete": "This data could not be deleted.",
- "allInformants": "All Informants",
- "welcome": "Welcome",
- "createNewPassText": "Please create new password before start using application.",
- "description": "Description",
- "sorry": "Sorry!",
- "outOfWorkTime": "Your request is currently out of service staff work time.",
- "willResponse": "They will response soon on: ",
- "canNotCancel1": "This report cannot be canceled once it has been done by the Service Staff.",
- "canNotCancel2": "This report cannot be canceled.",
- "priorityHigh": "High",
- "priorityLow": "Low",
- "priorityNormal": "Normal",
- "priority": "Priority",
- "reported": "Reported",
- "escalationNoteBySystem": "Escalation",
- "finishAttachment": "Finish Attachment",
- "pleaseScan": "Please scan QR code",
- "mustScan": "You must scan QR code to resend.",
- "changeCodeMsg": "You will be connected with <company_name>. Would you like to continue?",
- "currentServer": "Current server",
- "destinationServer": "Destination server",
- "textContinue": "Continue",
- "transferNoteBySystem": "Transfer",
- "activity": "Activity",
- "image": "Image",
- "titlePassOld": "Input your old password",
- "titlePassNew": "Your old password will be replaced with the new one.",
- "setting": "Setting",
- "more": "More",
- "topMenu": "Top Menu",
- "availableMenu": "Available Menu",
- "customize": "Customize",
- "done": "Done",
- "ongoing": "Ongoing",
- "maxMenu": "Maximum 7 menu.",
- "searchIn": "Search in",
- "yourLocation": "Your Location",
- "addImage": "Want to add a picture?",
- "addImageMsg": "You can send us a picture as a clue or something.",
- "removeImageMsg": "No, it's not necessary. I'd like to remove it.",
- "sendingOpt": "Sending Option",
- "sendingOptMsg": "Do you want to send as a scheduled request or immediately?",
- "scheduled": "Scheduled",
- "sendNow": "Send Now",
- "scheduledMsg": "* Scheduled = request will be sent on the time you picked in the note.",
- "reqSuccessMsg": "Please wait. Your request is being processed.",
- "noImgAttach": "No image attached.",
- "btnWait": "Okay, I’ll wait",
- "rateReq": "Rate Your Request",
- "reqAgain": "Request Again",
- "notAvailable": "This menu is not available.",
- "emptyMenuAlert": "You haven't choose any menu to show.",
- "redirecting": "Redirecting...",
- "initializing": "Initializing...",
- "selectAlert": "Please select one menu at least.",
- "scopeDesc": "Use this to switch between the scope.",
- "notFoundKeyword": "Could not found anything which match with keyword ",
- "findQRcode": "Find QR code nearby you",
- "isWorking": " is working on your request.",
- "noteLongAlert": "Please add note less than 128 character.",
- "reqCodeNotFound": "Invalid request code. Please contact Administrator",
- "noImage": "No Image Found",
- "related": "Related Services",
- "broadcastPermission": "Cant send broadcast message, you have no permission.",
- "broadcastTenant": "Cant send broadcast message, recipient tenant is not valid.",
- "reqForOthers": "Yes, I like to help other.",
- "reqForMySelf": "No, I make request for my self.",
- "requestedBy": "Requested by",
- "requestedFor": "Requested for",
- "typeId": "Please type her/his ID",
- "idNotMatch": "Failed send request. This request is not allowed for #ID to request.",
- "idNotFound": "Could not found the ID provided. Please try another ID.",
- "informantNotRegistered": "You are not registered as receptionist or room attendant.",
- "link_copied": "Link has been copied to the clipboard.",
- "do_not_disturb": "Do Not Disturb",
- "set_dnd_status": "Set DND Status",
- "active_dnd": "Active",
- "inactive_dnd": "Inactive",
- "msg_dnd": "You can deactivate your DND status through Account menu.",
- "msg_change_active": "Do you want to activate DND status?",
- "msg_change_inactive": "Do you want to deactivate DND status?",
- "info_dnd": "DND Status Activated.",
- "invalid_bridge": "Invalid Bridge URL.",
- "someone_else": "Want to submit request of someone else?",
- "askScheduleTime": "When your request should be done?",
- "scheduleMessage": "Your request supposed to be done on",
- "scan_qr": "Show My QR",
- "show_qr": "Show QR",
- "show_qr_desc": "Show this QR to your friend or collega who need to access the app.",
- "dismiss": "Dismiss",
- "not_allow_permission": "Your device is not allowing the app to send you any notification.",
- "tap_here": "Tap here to allow notification permission.",
- "doNotDisturb": "Do Not Disturb",
- "info_label": "Info",
- "display_menu": "Menu Display",
- "req_group": "Request Group",
- "ser_group": "Service Team",
- "save_rating": "Save Rating",
- "auto_translate": "Auto Translate",
- "hold": "Hold",
- "holdHistory": "Hold History",
- "pending": "Pending",
- "pending_info_success": "We found connection issue. Your request is pending. We’ll send it again when you back online.",
- "pending_info_tiles": "Wait for internet connection to send your request.",
- "pending_info_detail": "Your request is not sent yet due to connection issue.",
- "cancel_pending": "Cancel my request instead",
- "sending": "Sending",
- "queued": "Queued",
- "onProgress": "On Progress",
- "showLess": "Show Less",
- "customTopMenu": "Customize Top Menu",
- "limitTopMenu": "Top menu is limited to 7 items only!",
- "searchButton": "Search",
- "allInformantsInfo": "All informant will receive your message.",
- "action": "Action",
- "whatMakesYou": "What makes you",
- "letMeWrite": "Let me write it!",
- "writeHere": "Write here..",
- "ratingAspect": "Rating Aspect",
- "sendingRequest": "Sending requests"
- }